The 50th Anniversary of Pahlavi Dynasty - Ettela'at Daily, 1355 (March 1976)

Jamshid Amouzegar appointed prime minister of Iran - Kayhan, August 7, 1977

Political activities of the National Front, Tudeh Party & Islamic Marxists - Kayhan, (January 25, 1978)

Shah meets with his generals and staff - Kayhan International (March 25, 1978)

General Zangeneh and the Tabriz uprisings - Ettela'at Daily, 20 Farvardin 1357 (March 1978)

Governemnt plans to fight riots - Ettela'at, 21 Farvardin 1357 (March 1978)

Shahanshah "I am not disturbed by the recent uprisings" - Ettela'at Daily, 5 Ordeebehest 1357 (April 1978)

Arson Rumors - Ettela'at Daily, 11 Ordeebehest 1357 (April 1978)

Shah's trip to Kish Island - Kayhan 14 Ordeebehest 1357 (April 1978)

The government issues an ultimatum to protesters - Ettela'at Daily, 21 Ordeebehest 1357 (April 1978)

Shahanshah "The election will be totally free" - Ettela'at Daily, 15 Mordad 1357 (August 6, 1978)

Shahanshah "We will have political freedeom in Iran just like European nations" - Kayhan, 15 Mordad 1357 (August 6, 1978)

Shahanshah "I didn't imagine it would be so hard to achieve freedom" - Kayhan, 28 Mordad 1357 (August 19, 1978)

Black Friday - Ettela'at, 18 Shahrivar 1357 (August 1978)

Martial law is declared in Isfahan - Ettela'at, August 1978

The Rex Cinema fire - Ettela'at, August 20, 1978

The nation is in danger and people should rise to the occasion - Kayhan, 5 Shahrivar 1357

Grand Ayatollah Shariatmadari: People's anger and frustration are the cause of riots - Kayhan, 15 Shahrivar 1357

Negotiations start for the return of Grand Ayatollah Khomeini - Kayhan, 17 Shahrivar 1357

Kayhan mentions Grand Ayatollah Khomeini - 18 Mehr 1357 (Sept. 1978)

Tabas Earthquake leaves 15,000 dead - Kayhan (Sept. 17, 1978)

Parliament discusses Executions and Torture by Savak - 2 Aban 1357

The army has seized the oil facilities - Ettelaat, 10 Aban 1357

Grand Ayatollah Shariatmadari 'Government Of The People' - Ettelaat, 15 Aban 1357

Shah's elite guard fighting with the Air Force - Kaahn

Shah plans to leave Iran, Kayahan - January 6, 1979

Kayhan Interview with Imam Khomeini - 2 Bahman 1357

The Army will crush any attempted coup d'etat - January 16, 1979 - Ayandegan

Shah leaves for Egypt - January 16, 1979 - Ettelaat

Shah leaves - January 16, 1979 - Kayhan

People celebrate Shah's departure - January 17, 1979 - Ayandegan Newspaper

Imam "We still have not achieved victory" - Kayhan, January 17, 1979

Imam "Shah will be put on trial soon" - January 18, 1979 - Ayandegan Newspaper

The military seizes the airport - Ettela'at Daily

Bakhtiar "I will consult with Imam" - Ettela'at Daily

The largest demonstration in the history of Iran - Kayhan (Januay 20, 1979)

Bakhtiar gives the green light for Imam to return - Ettela'at Daily (January 29, 1979)

Imam will arrive in Tehran tomorrow - Ettela'at Daily, January 31, 1979

Imam will arrive in Tehran tomorrow - Kayhan, January 31, 1979

Imam arrives in Tehran - February 1, 1979

Imam's First Message - Kayhan, February 1, 1979

Bakhtiar warns "The appointed prime minister by Imam will be arrested" - Ettela'at Daily

Imam "The revolutionary committee members" - Ettela'at Daily, 14 Bahman (February 3, 1979)

I won't compromise with neither the Shah nor Khomeini - Kayhan Daily 15 Bahman (February 4, 1979)

Tehran is the scene of armed conflict - Ettela'at Daily, 22 Bahman (February 11, 1979)

Regime is destroyed - Ettela'at Daily February 11, 1979

Monarchy Falls - Kayhan, February 11, 1979

Imam: "I formaly declare Iran as an Islamic Republic" - Ettela'at Daily, February 1979

Large demonstrations in support of Bazargan - Ettela'at Daily, February 6, 1979

Mehdi Bazargan is the Prime Minister - Ettela'at Daily, February 6, 1979

The revolutionary governmnet takes over ministries - Ettela'at Daily, February 7, 1979

People endorsed Bazargan - Ettela'at Daily, February 8, 1979

General Huyser has left Iran - Ettela'at Daily, February 1979

Secret negotiations to decide the fate of the Shah - Kayhan, 18 Bahman 1357 (February 1979)

Bazargan "I will resign after the election of the President" - Ayandegan. 21 Bahman 1357 (February 10, 1979)

General Gharanay: The purge of the army has already started - Kayhan, 24 Bahman 1357 (February 14, 1979)

International effort to arrest the Shah - Kayhan, 28 Bahman 1357 (February 1979)

US Embassy seized in Tehran - Kayhan, February 14, 1979

Shah's Generals Executed - Kayhan, February 16, 1979
![Afafat in Teh]ran - Kayhan, February 19, 1979](37t.jpg)
Yasser Arafat in Tehran - Kayhan, February 19, 1979

The Tudeh party endorses the Islamic Republic - March 1979

Former Governmnet Officials executed - Kayhan, March 1979

Hoveyda's Trail - Kayhan, March 1979

Former Prime Minister Hoveyda Executed - Ettela'at Daily - March 1979

Imam in Qom - Kayhan

Shah's plot against Imam - Kayhan - Esfand 8, 1357 (March 1979)

Terror of the Shah & Relatives - Kayhan, 23 Ordibehest 1357 (March 1979)

Grand Ayatollah Taleghani "hijab is not mandatory" - Ettela'at Daily, March 11, 1979

The Hijab Debate in Iranian Newspapers - 1979

Imam's view on Hijab - Ettela'at Daily, 17 Esfand 1357 (Feb. 1979)

Hijab at the workplace - Kayhan, 1979

General Gharani assassinated - Ettela'at Daily, April 1979

Millions played tribute to Dr. Mossadegh - Kayhan

People approve of Mehdi Bazargan

Interview with Mehdi Bazarga

People vote on the referendum - Kayhan, 11 Farvardin 1358 (March 1979)

Ayatollah Taleghani sons arrested - Kayahn 25 Farvardin 1358 (March 1979)

Imam: Media should reflect people's voice - Kayhan, 29 Ordibehesht 1358 (April 1979)

The governemnt investigates the allegations of voter fraud - Kayhan, 28 Esfand 1358 (April 1979)

Habib Elghanian in court, Ettela'at Daily - May 1979

Imam's address to the nation - Kayhan, 9 Khordad 1358 (June 1979)

Torture in all forms is banned in Iran - Kayhan, 23 Khordad 1358 (June 1979)

Editorial critical of building nuclear power plants in Iran - Jomhouri Islami, 27 Khordad 1358 (July 1979)

The fate of political prisoners - Kayhan, 21 Tir 1358 (July 1979)

Imam "All groups should merge into one" - Kayhan, 11 Tir 1358 (July 1979)

The takeover of the American Embassy - Jomhouri Eslami, (November 5, 1979)

The takeover of the American Embassy & consulate in Shiraz - Kayhan, (November 5, 1979)

Iran formally demands the return of the Shah - Ettela'at Daily (November 5, 1979)

Rumors of Shah's arrest in Panama - Kayhan, (December 1979)

Imam "A cleric shouldn't become President" - Kayhan, 9 Day 1358 (December 30, 1979)

Bani Sadr becomes the first President of Islamic Republic - Jomhouri Islami, January 26, 1980

Farrokhroo Parsa & husband were arrested - Kayhan, February 18, 1980

The new emblem of Islamic republic is approved - Kayhan, 21 Ordibehest 1359 (April 1980

Hostage Rescue attempt fails - Kayhan, April 1980

Ex-military officers participated in the rescue attempt - Kayhan, April 1980

Islam and women's role in politics - Kayhan

The assassination of Ayatollah Morteza Motahari - Kayhan, 12 Ordibehest 1358 (April 1980)

Iranian Embassy Seige in London, - Kayhan, 16 Ordibehest 1358 (April 1980)

Iran may buy arms from the Soviet Union - Kayhan, 18 Ordibehest 1359 (April 1980)

Army officers arrested - Kayhan, 2 Tir 1359 (June 1980)

Coup d'etat crushed - Kayhan, July 12, 1980)

Iran bombs Iraqi Airforce - ,Ettela'at Daily - 2 Mehr 1359 (September 1980)

Imam: No one should negotiate with the U.S. & America can't do a damn thing against us - Ettela'at Daily (October 1980)

Imam fires Bani Sadr as Commander-in-Chief - Ettela'at Daily, June 11, 1981

Imam: Anyone who disobeys the law is a dictator - Kayhan, June 1981

Imam: Urging the US leaders to change their policy toward smaller nations - Jomhouri Islami Newspaper (undated)

Seventy-three leading officials of the Islamic Republic including Dr. Beheshti killed, - Kayhan, 29 June 1981

Khamenei is elected president - Ettela'at Daily, 13 Mehr 1360 (Oct. 1981)

The Battle of Khorramshahr - Kayhan, June 1982

The Islamic world mourns the passing of Imam - Kayhan, June 1989

Ahmad Khomeini joins Imam - Ettela'at Daily, March 17, 1995
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