Shah of Iran visits Fort Knox - November 1949

Fort Knox's commanding general, Maj. Gen. William Livesay, welcomes the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, at Godman Field during his November 1949 visit to the post.

The Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, sits to the right of Fort Knox Commanding General Maj. Gen. William Livesay during a demonstration at Observation Post 6 during a November 1949 visit to Fort Knox. (Photo Credit: Courtesy of the General George Patton Museum)

The Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (far left), and Fort Knox's commanding general, Maj. Gen. William Livesay, render respect at Godman Field during the Shah's November 1949 visit to the post.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of the General George Patton Museum
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