December 30, 1949
HIS IMPERIAL Majesty, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shahinshah of Iran, today completed his tour of the United States and departed for Iran. The Shah came to this country at the invitation of the President and his visit has enabled him to become acquainted at first hand with the United States and its institutions. The President said today that the existing friendly relations with Iran have been strengthened still further by the Shah's visit. The President is most happy that His Majesty has paid the United States the honor of this visit, which enabled not only the President but many officials of the Government, as well as the American people, more clearly to know and understand Iran, its great traditions, and its present achievements and objectives. Following a stay of several days in Washington, the Shah visited many parts of the country and inspected various institutions and industrial and agricultural enterprises whose technical operation might be usefully applied in Iran. He also saw military, naval, and air installations. His Majesty had the opportunity of meeting civic, industrial and educational leaders, as well as other representatives of broad segments of the American population. While in Washington His Majesty had conversations with the President, the Secretary of State and other senior officials of the United States Government. These conversations took place in an atmosphere of frankness and cordiality, and the interchange of views was most valuable in arriving at a mutual understanding of problems in which both the United States and Iran have interest. Pursuant to these conversations His Majesty and the President have decided to issue the following joint statement on the relations between the two countries: "His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Iran, and the President of the United States have examined the relations between their two countries and the problems which they face in common. In the course of their conversations it has been brought out that: 1. They believe the United Nations offers the best means of assuring a peaceful world. Both countries will continue to give the United Nations their unfaltering support and to work in close cooperation with it and its agencies. 2. A serious threat to international peace and security anywhere in the world is of direct concern to the United States. As long ago as December 1, 1943, when President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Marshal Stalin signed the Three Power Declaration at Tehran, the United States made clear its desire for the maintenance of the independence and integrity of Iran. The great interest of the United States in this regard has been repeatedly affirmed in its foreign policy declarations and the United States Government intends to continue that policy. 3. His Imperial Majesty believes, and the President concurs, that the ability of any country to maintain its independence is based on a sound and prosperous economy. For this reason, as far back as 1946, upon His Majesty's advice, the Iranian Government took steps to prepare a Seven-Year Plan for economic and social progress which now, embodied into law, is being carried out with all the means at the Government's disposal. The President appreciates the importance of this program to the economic development of Iran, and applications by the Iranian Government to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for economically justifiable loans to be used in the furtherance of the program will therefore receive the support of the United States. Subject to favorable Congressional action on the Point IV program, the United States also stands ready to facilitate Iranian economic development through the provision under Point IV and otherwise of technical advisory assistance if requested by Iran. His Majesty welcomes the assistance envisaged under the Point IV program and is particularly aware of the desirability of increased investments of private capital in the Iranian economy. The Iranian Government will consider measures to be taken to encourage such investments. 4. It is the policy of the United States to help free peoples everywhere in the maintenance of their freedom wherever the aid which it is able to provide can be effective. As the result of recent Congressional authorization, and in response to the request of the Government of Iran, the Government of the United States is currently prepared to offer certain military assistance essential to enable Iran, as a nation dedicated to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, to develop effective measures for its self-defense in support of those purposes and principles. The United States will continue to bear in mind Iran's defense needs in connection with further foreign assistance which may be considered by the United States Government." ![]() |